Choosing the Best Words in the World

The red-crested cardinal is a common sight in Hawaii.

I heard a riddle the other day that stuck with me:

13-Year-Old Girl: Hey, Mom, what are the best words in the world?

Mom: You got me! What?

Daughter: The words that we tell ourselves!

            Wow! That was an insightful riddle! Despite one’s age, there’s no doubt about it, words we tell ourselves (self-talk) are powerful. At times, the words are spoken in everyday conversation, but often, self-talk is an internal dialogue.

Whether the words we tell ourselves are spoken aloud or simply thought, they have power and are worth considering.

            I remember the time clearly when I felt I heard in my spirit a distinct Divine voice reprimanding me about my self-talk. I have no recollection what prompted the words, but I do recall standing in front of the cheval mirror in our bedroom and saying to the empty room and me, Susan, you are disgusting!

            Now, the voice I heard in response was not audible, but I sensed it was God saying, “How can you speak that way to my precious child whom I love! What if you heard someone say those awful words to one of your daughters?”

            Talk about “self-talk” perspective! Just the thought of someone talking like that to my daughters, grandkids, or any loved one causes the “mama bear” in me to rear up and roar! And here’s what I believe with my entire being: my love is a mere reflection—a microcosm—of God’s love.

            The verses I believe God wants me to absorb during 2023 are found in Philippians 4:8-9 in The Message

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse …. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

            Since January, the paraphrase of these words from the Apostle Paul is helping me become more aware of negative, careless, critical, or worrisome words, including those I say to myself. 



God, I’m not sure why it’s easy to assume self-talk doesn’t matter.

Will you please show me the importance of the words

I say to you, to others, and to myself.

Lord, fill my heart and mind with words that are

True, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, and gracious;

Words which are best, beautiful, and praiseworthy!

Show me when words I tell myself are not honoring to you.

Blessings on your Journey,  


Rooted in a Rule of Life


Love God - Love Self - Love Others