Christmas Memories Linger on…

Decorated trees look lonely without wrapped gifts beneath.

New toys, games, and puzzles strewn about haven’t yet found a suitable nesting place.

Sluggish bodies move more slowly while detoxing from all that extra holiday sweetness.

Families lounge around extra late in new pajamas, many parents grateful for elastic waistbands.

        Christmas 2021 is now in the annals of history.

In 1927, Irving Berlin composed a popular tune, The Song Has Ended but the Melody Lingers On, which seems a suitable theme for post-Christmas considerations.  Christmas evokes powerful feelings that leave lingering memories. Many beautiful but some bitter memories of Christmas remain in each heart.

The season of Advent was extra special to me this year. In a culture that so often seems clamoring and contentious, focusing on Advent themes of:  Hope, Peace, Joy, & especially Love felt like soothing salve slathered on my soul.

A few days before Christmas, Ron and I read from the devotional book we have used throughout 2021. (A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms – The Songs of Jesus, written by Timothy and Kathy Keller).

These words from the concluding prayer resonated, and I will close today’s post with them:

Holy Spirit … Relentlessly instill the truth of your love down into my heart until it kindles my love …

Blessings on your journey as you and your loved ones exit 2021 …


Good-Bye 2021…


A Holy Night Wrapped in LOVE…