Good-Bye 2021…

Farewell, Au revoir, Adiós, Auf Wiedersehen, Arrivederci, Go͝od ˈBī, Sayōnara, Do svidaniya, Annyeong, Slan, or Tot ziens  (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Irish, Dutch)

All over the world, people will say, “Good Bye,” perhaps even, “Good Riddance,” to 2021.

Tomorrow fireworks will explode at midnight in 24 different time zones. The crystal ball will drop in Times Square, and The beautiful lighted wreath on the Coeur d’Alene Resort in my hometown (introducing today’s post) will turn dark January 1, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. when 2001 becomes history!

Today, I want to join the worldwide chorus and say, “Happy New Year!”

This is my prayer for 2022 for myself. If these words resonate with your soul, I invite you to make it your prayer as well. 


Lord, re-form my heart to:

love You deeply,

serve others fully and kindly,

speak to all with whom I interact respectfully and gently,

do what is right to the best of my understanding and discern what is wrong quietly, prayerfully, and humbly.

Please, show and enable me to welcome the Light of Your Love, inviting it to penetrate the darkness of disease, disappointment, and division.

Thank you, Father God, Son, and Holy Spirit for the example given by the Trinity:

unique function

unbroken relationship,

congruent community, and

great LOVE – always LOVE.


Blessings on your journey as you and your loved ones exit 2021 …


Happy New Year… Lessons from the Eagle


Christmas Memories Linger on…