Created to Create….

While walking along the beach in Cannon Beach, Oregon, Ron stopped to visit with ‘Jay from Dallas, Texas.’ Using globs of gooey oil paints, Jay captured the essence of Haystack Rock and agreed to Ron’s request to photograph him producing his unique work of art.


Instead of joining their conversation, I slipped out of my shoes and added my footprints to the smooth, cool sand, headed in the direction of the well-known Oregon landmark. The magnificent stone, jutting over 200 feet above the surface of the Pacific Ocean, is enjoyed by thousands of visitors from around the world each year.

Stephen Shortridge, who is a God-and-people-loving impressionist artist from Coeur d’Alene, reminds readers of his coffee-table book, Created – Creator Shortridge Works and Words,

Being Created Creators means fulfilling our design.

While walking, I pondered the matter of the uniqueness of every individual’s God design. Jay painted; Ron photographed; and I imagined words to capture what my heart longs to convey.

In the Genesis 1 account of creation, God: Father, Son, and Spirit, saved their crown jewel of creation—humankind—until last.

Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us”… 

So God created human beings in his own image.
    In the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!

In what unique ways did God create you to create, to reflect the image in which you were created?

Through art, music, photography, crafting words, public speaking, or teaching? Perhaps you were created to show hospitality, express words of encouragement, provide a pot of soup, bake cookies, organize, run a business, or love on those who are little or lonely?


Glorious God of Creation,

Thank you for imprinting your image in me.

Help me step into my unique design,

To create in the special way you have created me.


Blessings on your journey of creating…



Autumn Inspirations…


Basking in the Beauty of Creation….