The Good Shepherd Guides the “Directionally Challenged!”

Not a doubt, I am “directionally challenged.” One time a friend’s husband was giving me directions to their house because I had taken a wrong turn and lost my way. Bill, a very nice man, said, “Now, when you get to [this certain] road, turn South.” I replied, “Bill, you’ve got to be kidding! I don’t do North, South, East, or West. I can barely manage Right or Left!”

This morning as I was preparing to leave for an appointment, I complained because the health care provider I was seeing had moved, and the drive to her new office added a few extra miles. Contemplating the price of gas, I wondered if I should find a new provider closer to my house.

     Headed to my first appointment in the new location, I plugged the address into my GPS. The drive took me through beautiful, wooded neighborhoods, and it was lovely. Perhaps I’ll wait until the weather turns bad before considering a change, I mused.

     After the appointment, assuming I could find my way and didn’t need GPS, I headed out. But, alas, I was turned around and blithely headed in the wrong direction. (Remember, I mentioned the price of gas? Well, I figure my mistake today resulted in using more than a gallon of gas, and I drive a Subaru, which gets great gas mileage!)

      When I finally arrived back home, my husband, who was working in the garage, commented, “I thought you’d be home sooner.”

When I explained what happened, Ron shook his head slowly, “I just can’t imagine, Sue!” he said in amazement.

  “I was convinced I was driving in the correct direction,” I explained. “It just felt right. I didn’t realize I was going the absolute wrong way until I saw a freeway sign that read, “95 North.” (Thankfully, I knew enough to know I should traveling on “95 South” and got off on the next available exit!) I moaned, “Honey, I’m hopeless!” Ron gave me a reassuring hug and said, “I don’t know about hopeless, but you are at least hapless!”  

      My last Listening on the Journey … post related to Psalm 23:3b, which says, “He leads me in paths of righteousness ...” Although not planned, today’s post continues that same theme.

      More than once in my spiritual life journey, I have also headed in the wrong direction. The problem has usually been that I was convinced I could do life my own way and didn’t stop to consult tools of faith, such as Scripture, prayer, or wise counsel, which I know—like GPS—are valuable. Eventually, realizing I’m heading in the wrong direction, I change course. But, in the process, I often lose valuable time and squander unnecessary resources.

      Today, I was thankful for a patient husband who didn’t scold or belittle me. How very grateful I am also for a gracious God who understands that when I’m going the wrong way, generally, it’s because I am not yet equipped or am being careless rather than rebellious. The image of a “Good Shepherd” reminds me that God knows I, like a not-so-intelligent sheep, is prone to wander. Before I get into too much trouble, the Good Shepherd, gently prods me back onto the correct path. At times, he may even need to be a bit more forceful and catch me with the crook of his staff to get me going in the best way.

      As I conclude these thoughts, once again, I am filled with much gratitude. I hope this little story about my directional mishap encourages you to appreciate and trust more fully in the kindness of a Good Shepherd who loves us and all those we love.

Blessings on your journey,


Pray as Jesus Taught


A 15-Inch, Lifelong Journey