A 15-Inch, Lifelong Journey

Lately, I’ve been recalling an incident I became aware of a few years ago and how it has impacted my journey.  

I had met an amazing, smart, deeply committed Christian professional woman who had spent years studying the Bible. Her doctrinal foundation was firm. Her biblical knowledge far exceeded mine. Yet, this woman was critical and resentful. Unresolved hurts—probably forged in childhood and carried into adult relationships—had left her bitter and finding it difficult to forgive. She struggled to find peace, joy, and a sense of freedom.

During one of our conversations, I said to her, “Wow, Samantha (a pseudonym), your belief in God and Scripture is so strong, but it seems like you have trouble trusting God’s love and goodness. She agreed.

Our conversations piqued my curiosity about the difference between “belief” and “trust.” I began an intensive biblical word search of “trust” to help find answers for my friend. In my exploration, though, I realized I had similar struggles. While there are certain areas where my “belief” is strong, it is sometimes a struggle to “trust” I am valuable to God and that every detail of my life journey can be woven together divinely for a good purpose.

Now, whenever I talk about the distinction, I find myself pointing to my head while discussing “belief” and to my heart when talking about “trust.” Only about 15 inches in distance, I imagine it is a lifelong journey.

A few months before beginning a formal spiritual direction program, I was given the grace of a divine encounter while meditating on Psalm 23. The second part of verse 3 became so very much alive, taking up residence in my soul. I knew beyond any doubt that I had received a personal God-promise.

This promise remains vital. On a deep level, I know the “Good Shepherd” will help me remain on the right path. If I am led astray, I feel confident that God-who-knows-all can be trusted to gently guide me back on track. Most importantly, my journey will accomplish what my heart so deeply desires, which is to graciously, kindly, truthfully, and faithfully point people toward a never-changing, forever-loving God despite the struggles we all encounter in our always-changing worlds.


Thank You, God, that when we allow our beliefs to transition into deep trust, You will be faithful to keep us on the right paths.


Blessings on your journeys of “belief and trust.”


The Good Shepherd Guides the “Directionally Challenged!”


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