Election Day Thoughts
Today’s post includes thoughts about tomorrow’s election as well as photos from the presidential libraries of two 20th century presidents. Hope you enjoy …
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5, 2024, I plan to enter St. Pius Church, our precinct polling site, and cast my vote for one of two presidential candidates. I may have avoided some hassle by voting early, but there’s something special about voting in person—especially for the president of my beloved nation.
In my work as a spiritual director, I have observed how the current political environment can impact one’s soul. Several weeks ago, a deeply devoted follower of Jesus sat in a session, tears flowing down her cheeks, as she asked, “Can I be a Christian and NOT vote for [one of the two major political parties]?” This incident underscored how toxic political environments often become, even among dedicated Christians.
My husband and I both enjoy history, and while traveling, we like to visit historical sites. We have especially enjoyed every U.S. presidential home or library we’ve been privileged to see. A few years ago, while on an autumn vacation to New England, we visited the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in the Boston area. This past August, while vacationing in Southern California, we set aside several hours to tour the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.
Two presidents—one a Democrat, the other a Republican—used unique gifts and personal stories to sway citizens to trust their abilities in leading a powerful and influential nation.
I thought today you may enjoy photos taken by my husband, Ron, during our visits to the impressive Kennedy and Reagan Libraries along with some personal reflections.
The young, handsome Kennedy ignited enthusiasm among younger voters.
Replica of The Oval Office with Kennedy’s trademark rocking chair.
President Kennedy inspired many with expressive, inspirational, and articulate words.
These from his inaugural address underscore my belief that life is like a journey—one that continues even after we are gone.
Kennedy loved to sail in rugged New England waters. This sailboat, which he used for over three decades, is preserved at the Library and Museum. He named it Victura, which in Latin means “she who is about to conquer.” Apparently, Kennedy struggled as a student to learn Latin.
Ronald Reagan’s Presidential seal.
Flags with photos and dates of service from the first president, George Washington, to current 47th President Joseph Biden, stand like sentinels guarding the road leading to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library north of Los Angeles.
A replica of the Oval Office when Reagan was president.
Air Force One used during the Reagan administration, is on loan from the U. S. Air Force. We were able to go inside. A terrific “blast from the past!”
My friend and mentor, Dr. Jodi Detrick, asks a question: “Who do you want to be when all that you have to do is done?”
Perhaps like you, the past several months, I’ve watched news, debates, and up-and-down polls. I’ve read some—and scrolled past other—social media posts, listened to commentaries, and tried to sort through countless speculations. Mostly though, I have prayed for this election and for either the Democrat or Republican who will be chosen to lead our land.
In a couple days, [hopefully], we will know whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will serve as the 48th President of the United States. The person I voted for may or may not be chosen. Whomever is elected, I sincerely hope and pray I will be able to live out the exhortation of the Apostle Paul to the early Church in Rome, which I’m convinced, remains relevant:
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Romans 13:1 ESV)
God bless your journey of faith, and God bless the United States of America!