Getting Used to Different….


This photo has nothing to do with today’s post, but I hope you’ll enjoy this magnificent photo of Palouse Falls Ron shot one of the evenings last week (when we weren’t binge-watching The Chosen!) 

The other day I had lunch with a young friend who asked if I’d watched The Chosen.[i]  I told her I’d heard it was good but no, and she said, “Sue, you MUST watch it. You just MUST.”

When I came home that afternoon, I told my husband, “I think we MUST watch The Chosen.”  For the next few days, via YouTube, Ron and I binge watched all eight episodes of Season One, and then we watched the Christmas special, a prequel to Season 2, which is slated to begin around Easter 2021.

I loved this non-Hollywood portrayal of Jesus as seen through the eyes of those who encountered him. I agree with my friend. For me, The Chosen was a “Must Watch.”

     My favorite line in the Season One series was words Jesus spoke to a disciple who questioned one of his decisions. To the disciple, the choice Jesus made seemed unwise and unsafe. Jesus’ response to the young man was, “Get used to different!”

     Seems as if we’ve all been trying to get used to different this past year. Honestly, the whole world feels different.  Work, school, church, holidays, shopping, getting together with friends, dining out, doctor’s visits, weddings, funerals, travel. All different. Here’s what I’m learning about different.

     Different is uncomfortable. It disrupts ‘normal.’

Different challenges assumptions, upsetting the proverbial ‘apple cart.’

Different exposes vulnerability and can feel downright scary.

            Different may raise questions about God’s purpose.

While watching The Chosen Christmas Special, I was pleased to see Mandisa, a Christian gospel singer, had been struck similarly by the line that captured my imagination. She wrote a beautiful song by that title.[ii] The talented songwriter exposed her own fear and pain during the 2020 season of different. Then, the lyrics transition to the different a young virgin girl named Mary, experienced. 

Is it possible that in the 21st Century, Jesus may be whispering into the hearts of us who follow his teachings, “Friend, get used to different?” Somehow, I have a hunch the answer may be “Yes!”

My next question then is: So, what does it look like to get used to a different that may be divinely designed?”

The writer of Hebrews makes a powerful suggestion, which says in part:  …let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.  (Hebrews 12:1 & 2 NLT)

For almost two years that verse has motivated me to focus my personal devotional time on the Gospels, paying extra special attention to those red-letter words Jesus spoke.

·  Who was Immanuel, the God who chose to become fully human? 

·  What was important to Jesus?

·  Who was important to Jesus?

·  How did Jesus strategize his mission?

·  With whom did Jesus hang out?

·  What made Jesus happy?

·  What made Jesus upset?

·  When did Jesus choose to confront and when did he choose to move on?

Finally, during a different season, such as the one we’ve experienced in 2020 and beyond, I’m asking myself, “How can I “get used to different” in a Jesus way?

If you have thoughts, I’d love to hear them…



Blessings on each of your days…



Feeling Safe and Valuable...


Considering the Days of our lives…