Saying Good-bye: Goodness and Mercy Assurance


The past week for our family was exceedingly difficult. We watched a much-loved brother-in-law, my ‘baby’ sister’s husband of over 40 years, transition from his earthly to heavenly home.

As I write to express my sorrow because of our loss, I am aware many reading my words understand.

Grief is a universal human experience.

Yet, the process of saying ‘good-bye’ to a loved one is private and personal.

     The day my brother-in-law passed was filled with an excess of emotions.

Watching him suffer, gasping for each precious breath, produced heartbreaking helplessness. 

Hearing my husband’s strong, melodic voice softly reading favorite passages of scripture to his dear, dying friend was soul soothing.

Observing the tender care of my nieces and nephew toward their dad and mom was heartwarming, underscoring the significance of generational love.

Seeing the affectionate attention my dear younger sis showed to the man who was father to her three children, grandpa to their seven grandchildren, best friend, sailing buddy, and partner “for better or worse” touched me deeply. I recalled her father-in-law’s compliment from many years ago, “Your sister is the best thing that ever happened to my son.”

Gathering around the beloved man’s bed, listening as the Hospice chaplain read appropriate passages of scripture and prayed, was nothing short of sacred.

“Holy ground.” That’s what God told Moses when He appeared to him, “…the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5).  

As family members surrounded his deathbed, the carpet on which we stood or knelt became holy.  My sister embraced her husband lying next to her. The bed she had shared with this once strong, capable man whose body was now shriveled from sickness—that bed became holy ground.

When the Hospice chaplain concluded his prayers, I felt a strong urge to recite one of my favorite and most comforting passages of Scripture—Psalm 23. When I began, my voice quivered with emotion, but by the final verse, the emotion seemed replaced with a strong assurance that indeed God’s goodness and mercy shall follow me and those I love every single day—until our final shallow breaths cease.

  Furthermore—and this is the best part of all—one day we will dwell forever together in our Heavenly home. 

      Thank you for reading these words. If you feel led to do so, please pray for my sister, nieces, nephew, my brother-in-law’s two sisters and many more family members who loved this quiet, private, strong, water-loving, adventuresome, somewhat stubborn, but deeply committed and good man. His absence will leave a surreal vacuum in many hearts. 

Blessings on your journeys, my friends…



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