Learning to Listen…


Sue’s Note: Today’s post is written by a guest contributor who would like to be called Lucy. I met Lucy a couple years ago and immediately liked her passion and quirky sense of humor. Recently, Lucy asked if she could meet with me for life coaching. At our first session, she said she wanted homework, so I told her to write some short devotionals guided by pictures from a beautiful vision board she brought to the session.  I asked Lucy’s permission to use the following devotional in my blog, and she graciously agreed. I think you’ll enjoy her insights and unique writing style.

All photos in today’s post were taken recently by my husband, Ron, around the Killarney Lake Wetlands. #1 – Great Blue Heron; #2 - Trumpeter Swans; #3 – American White Pelicans


Sue, my new life coach, mentions anger.
Where did she get that?
I’m not angry!
I was just praying about fear and resignation.
I don’t feel angry!

That word, though, it sticks!
Well…I know that fear and hurt can quickly morph into anger.
The segue is almost instant.
I talk about fear but project anger.

What am I angry about?
Could it be my suspected God gig?

I see it in the distance.
I’m putting on the breaks and grabbing onto anything to slow my trajectory.

It started with a sincere prayer,
“Lord, what do you want me to do? Send me!”

Then, I catch a glimpse of it and immediately emote, “Ah…NO WAY!”

I am Jonah running away.
I am Gideon hiding in the wine press.
I don’t want to be a cistern dweller
like the prophets.
Seriously! Who would willingly sign up
for their job?

Persecution. Rejection. Cancellation.

The call! What is that I hear?

Writing.  Speaking.
I fear declaring, “This is what I’m meant to do!”
and then have folks respond with, “Nah.
That’s not it.”

I don’t want to be like the deluded contestant on American Idol, who evokes the reaction of,
“Oh, honey. Didn’t anyone love you enough to tell you that you can’t sing?”

I’m scared! I don’t want to lose my support system because I said something unpopular.


My self-preservation streak runs deep.

Sue’s words come to mind.

“You cannot tame what you cannot name.”

Fine. I’m scared and angry. Now what!

She encourages me by telling me, You’ve got “Experience Equity.”

She says, “Start slowly, but START! She invites me to write about something plastered on my vision board.

I recall how God has in the past ambushed me with random experiences or disguised character-building sessions.

Always in measured, palatable forms.

God has things for me to do. God keeps lovingly and patiently prodding me along.

He invites, “Do not be afraid!”

He promises, “I will not abandon you.”

God can handle my anger, too.  Anger—It’s not a deal breaker.

Lord! Please increase my faith. Help me to follow You!      Amen


Since beginning life coaching Lucy reports, “I am definitely feeling some divine movement and direction.”  If meeting with a life coach is something you may have considered, please check out my website https://www.suereeve.com/coaching. I offer reduced rates for Listening on the Journey… readers. 

Thank you, Lucy, and blessings to all who are learning to listen and say “yes” to God’s voice…

Blessings on your journey…



Saying Good-bye: Goodness and Mercy Assurance


Lifting My Eyes to the Mountains…