I Can Manage My Fears


Fear is real. Even if someone tells me—or I know—a fear is irrational, it’s still real.

So, how do I deal with my fear?

I am not a brave person!  Fears of many types have tagged along with me since childhood.

Over the span of many years, I’ve used scriptures—two I’m sharing today—to help me manage fear. The simple process I follow is:

1.    Name the fear. I once heard a phrase that stuck: You cannot tame what you cannot name!” It’s impossible to change that of which I’m not aware.  

So, I name the fear and paraphrase the words of 2 Timothy 1: 7, saying something like this: “Okay, God, I know you have not given me this name the fear that I’m feeling right now. Instead, you want to give me power, love, and sensible thinking.”

2.    Reject my anxiety. I do this by using an excellent prayer model given in Philippians 4:6-7:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  

My prayer goes something like this:

·      “God, both you and I know I am anxious about name the anxiety.

·      Here’s what I believe would like to happen name the outcome you believe is best—accepting God’s plan may look differently. (Prayer and Petition).

·      Thank you, God, for name one or more things for which I’m grateful—perhaps related to the current anxiety.  (Thanksgiving)

·      Here’s the help I’m requesting from you. (Requests)

·      Now, thank you God that I can expect your peace. Even though I may not understand from where nor how it comes, I trust it will keep my body, mind, emotions, and spirit safe. (Peace which transcends understanding).

If you find this process beneficial, then I thank God for using my pesky fears to help you!

Journey forth courageously….



Be Still, Know and & Remember…


Finding Freedom from Fear….