Be Still, Know and & Remember…


I know!

I talk a lot about being still!

Please humor me a bit today and let me discuss stillness a little further. I’m convinced cultivating a STILL spirit may be the most important way in which we learn to KNOW God’s voice.

Earlier today, I visited with a friend who told me about her recent experience of hearing God’s voice when she took time to be still.  

     Life has been exceedingly and extra hectic for my friend—the case for so many of us these past months.

My lovely friend confessed she had allowed her practice of entering into a few minutes of silent prayer each morning to lapse. From personal experience, I realize how easily this happens.

Instead of making excuses or condemning herself, one recent day, she opened the contemplative prayer app on her phone, set the timer for three minutes, and entered into sacred quiet. Within seconds, she told me, she heard distinctly the still, small voice of the Spirit say,

“Be still and remember!”

For the next few minutes, my friend replayed the past few years, remembering God’s faithfulness to

answer her prayers,           

fill her depleted cup of energy, 

            give her wisdom to make the best decisions,

                        send a caring friend at just the right time,

                             give her strength to take the next step.

I was inspired by our conversation. Following it, I recalled the three words I’m sure God gave me over a year ago to focus on during 2020.

For a few minutes, I sat still and remembered…

     What a year 2020 turned out to be! How meaningful the three words imprinted on Ron’s photos became during those long, often stress-filled months: 





Being still and remembering is a wonderful exercise.

It’s easy to overlook God’s faithfulness.

So easy to get caught up in responsibilities, chaos, or mundane todays.

So easy to forget the blessings of yesterday.

While it is vital to recall the past, live in the present, and cherish every moment, I also believe we do well to consider the future. This is the reason I ask God to give me a theme for each new year.

In my next post, I will discuss what I believe is to be my focus in 2021.

 Until then, blessings as you take a moment to be still, to know, and to remember

Blessings On Your Journey….



New Year, Fresh Focus…


I Can Manage My Fears