New Year, Fresh Focus…

Each new year I tell readers about a practice I established many years ago. It came about when a man in the life group Ron and I attended challenged us to set a spiritual goal for the new year. I wasn’t sure I liked that idea, but finally, I wrote one sentence in my journal:  I want to learn to be a better pray-er.

That single sentence changed the trajectory of my spiritual journey, and every year since, around October I have started asking God to show me what spiritual emphasis would be best for me in the upcoming new year. 

    The themes for 2021 arrived a little later and a little ‘fuzzier’ than usual. Gradually, however, the two words and one phrase came into clear focus:


           Rhythm of Grace


I am excited to see how God will use these ‘musical’ themes to speak to and teach my soul what it needs to learn and grow in the upcoming months.

     Do you have a theme you believe God has given you for this year? If so, I’d love to hear about it.

     I’m sure I’ll will be exploring aspects of my 2021 themes in blog posts throughout the year, but for today, I’m leaving you with the beautiful photos inscribed with my theme words. If hope they may speak to you in some special way.   

Blessings on your Journey through 2021 ….


P.S. Last year some readers inquired about purchasing the photos with my 2020 theme words. If you are interested, please email me at as to how you can purchase a high-resolution jpeg file to have your own copies. 

Photo from Dayton Beach—Atlantic Sunrise

Photo from Dayton Beach—Atlantic Sunrise

Photo from Seaside, Oregon – Pacific Ocean

Photo from Seaside, Oregon – Pacific Ocean

Photo from near the Ponce de Leon Lighthouse in Florida - Atlantic Ocean

Photo from near the Ponce de Leon Lighthouse in Florida - Atlantic Ocean


Wake up Without Regrets….


Be Still, Know and & Remember…