If I Knew I Would Not Be Judged …

A question posed at a women’s networking group I attended asked, “What would you do if you knew you would not be judged?” Answers ranged from hilarious to heartbreaking. I identified especially with the woman who lamented her self-judgment and the “committee of critics” in her head.

A couple criteria help me evaluate the value of an exercise such as this.

First, does the question or message stick with me afterwards? This answer is “yes.” I haven’t stopped thinking about it since the meeting ended. I imagine I’ll not only think upon it now but will consider it prayerfully in the future.

Secondly, does it raise additional questions for me to ponder? Another “yes.” One of the questions raised today springs from this challenging portion of Scripture:

“… Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.”  Romans 12:3b (NLT)

So, I am asking myself as I wonder:

  • How do I courageously step into what I believe God has designed me to do without fearing the opinion of others?

  • About that “committee of critics” hanging out in my head, where do those voices come from; how do I discern the correctness of their message; and how do I quiet those not worth heeding?

  • How can I trust God’s Spirit will help me evaluate my God design, my calling, and the measure of accurate faith I possess?

If any of these questions resonate, I invite you to ponder them with me.


Just Say “No!”


Bee & Sweet Memory