Journey - Not Always Easy


I walked earlier than usual today. The weather lady warned temps would be in the mid to high 90’s. Not good walking weather in my book. 

A little over halfway, tiredness set in. Seemed as if the temperature had climbed over ten degrees in less than an hour.

I could see the parking lot where my car awaited, but from my vantage point, it looked like it was designed for my grandson’s Hot Wheels! The remainder of my walk was uphill. I wasn’t looking forward to the climb!

Nevertheless, I kept placing one foot in front of the other.

Finally, I reached the car, retrieving a cup of coffee I’d picked up earlier. I was grateful it was still warm. Sitting at a picnic table overlooking the lake, I alternated sips of coffee and water while reading my Bible and making observations in my journal.

Sometimes, life resembles my morning walk. Uphill and tiring!

     I have a friend whose husband—a good man and hard worker—just lost his job. With no warning, the company announced their relocation. Employees were given nothing but a two-weeks’ notice.  My friend doesn’t know how they will manage. She is confident her husband will locate another job eventually, but for now, prospects are dim.

Nevertheless, she keeps placing one foot in front of the other.

My younger friend gets herself ready and shows up each day for work. She plans budget-stretching meals. She laughs and plays with her kids. She accepts, reluctantly but gratefully, acts of kindness.

Another friend is in her 90’s. She knows this is the last leg of her earthly journey. The ultimate prize awaits. Hope of Heaven is real, but this final trek seems to be mostly uphill.

Nevertheless, she keeps placing one feeble foot in front of the other.

My nonagenarian friend gets out of bed every morning. She dresses for another seemingly same day. She prays for those she loves and even those whose plight she has only heard about or watched on the television. She relishes any call or visit.

Many years ago, I sat at my prayer desk in the pre-dawn. I believe it was a divine voice that spoke four words into my heart that early morning: “Listening on the Journey…”  Always, when I consider or write those words, there is an ellipsis following the word ‘Journey,’ which indicates a whole section of ‘listening’ is yet to come. 

Life, from the moment of conception—probably even before that in God’s timetable—is a journey. It’s never predictable. It’s not always easy. At times, it can be downright wearying.

Nevertheless, with every fiber of my being, in every word I craft, I will encourage myself and others to keep placing one foot of faith in front of the other. Persistence pays off. Better days on this earth generally lie ahead. The big prize—the final, eternal reward—will be beyond our wildest imaginations. 

Now, imagining that eternal reward, I wonder if one day there might be coffee waiting for me in Heaven. I sure hope so! 


I’d just finished writing this post when I opened Ann Voskamps’s blog and spotted this quote. Too good not to share.  (, 7/29/2020)

Blessings on your journey…



Enjoying a Garden of Graces


Evening Walk Reflections