Celebrating a Trifecta of Joy

Some days are simply filled with a lot of joy. Take Saturday, October 15th for instance. That morning, my prayers included requests for three different situations: 

  • First, a prayer I have been praying daily for many months for a family member and his loved ones who have been going through a stressful ordeal with the potential for a deeply painful consequence.  I consistently asked God to show favor to this family for what I believed would be the best outcome. I also asked God to show grace and mercy to all involved if that did not happen. The text I received delivered a joyous conclusion as well as demonstration of humility, grace, and mercy.

  • Next, I was overjoyed to learn my friend and web manager, Stephen, joined an elite group of athletes who complete an Ironman competition! Many of you have been blessed by Stephen’s recent guest posts and knew he was traveling to Texas for the Waco Ironman. That Saturday morning, I woke around 4 a.m., and my first thought and prayer were of and for Stephen who is an amazing example of perseverance. Look forward to a future guest post, which we’ve agreed will be entitled “Perseverance Pays Off!”

Stephen crossing the finish line at Ironman Waco last Saturday.

  • Finally, news that may have been most joyful! Almost every morning, Ron and I pray for each of our grandchildren, which we did Saturday, October 15th. Later in the afternoon, we received a text message from our firstborn grandchild, Sydney. Her somewhat puffy red eyes indicated she may have been crying. Her radiant smile reflected the tears were undoubtedly ones of pure joy. The beautiful diamond ring on her left hand showed her special boyfriend, Bryan, had popped that life-altering question, “Will you marry me?” We are delighted for this fine young couple.

Photo of Sydney and Bryan on their recent visit.

Celebration is good! Celebration in bunches of three seems an astonishing trifecta of joy!

May your day be blessed by joy!


Walking - Good for the Soul


Is That You Speaking, Lord?