Walking - Good for the Soul

About the photos in this post: Ron and I left the house early so he could photograph this beautiful maple tree during what photographers call the “golden hour.” Afterward we walked over the Boardwalk at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. The early morning was spectacular. See some views at the end of this post.   

  • Do you love to walk? or

  • Do you dislike walking and do so as seldom as possible?

  • Have you been thinking about establishing a walking regimen?

  • Do you feel a NEED to walk?

  • Do you wear a Fitbit or similar device and like to have your steps counted?

  • Is walking merely a form of exercise?

  • Do you prefer walking with a friend? or

  • Would you rather walk alone with only your thoughts keeping you company?

  • Do you regularly pray when you walk?

  • Have you ever experienced a time when you were unable to walk?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I want to suggest a book you might enjoy reading, or like I am doing, listening to it on Audiobook.

God Walk – Moving at the Speed of Your Soul by Mark Buchanan

Recently, I listened to an interview with Buchanan on a Renovaré podcast in which he discussed his latest book. As has happened so often, a life-changing book seems to show up for me at just the right time, and I imagine this may be one of those times .

     Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about “stepping up” my walking routine. In part, I’m doing this because my husband and I are planning a trip to Europe in the spring of 2023, and I want to be ready to do some significant trekking.

     Scripture has a lot to say about “walking.” In fact, when I returned from my walk today, I did a little research and learned the word walk(s)(ed)(ing) is used almost 400 times in the Bible.

     So, however, wherever, and with whomever we walk, blessings on our every step!

Blessings on your Journey,

Boardwalk Entrance

Sun rise glows through a tree in Coeur d’Alene Park

I loved the way this tree silhouetted against the lake.


Pursuing the Gift of Simplicity


Celebrating a Trifecta of Joy