Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation Precious Moments 06/17/2024
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care …So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV)
For over 30 years, my husband and I have lived in a modest home in an unpretentious neighborhood in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. We moved to the beautiful little hamlet by the amazing lake with the same name in the early 1990’s.
At that time, which was just prior to the area’s significant population growth, there were only a few existing properties in our price range. Our realtor suggested we choose a lot in one of two available neighborhoods and have a custom-spec home built. We’ve never regretted following her advice.
Before he started in sales, my husband worked in construction. Almost every day our house was being built—undoubtedly to the chagrin of the contractors—Ron dropped by to make sure things were being done correctly. On one stud, long since covered over, a builder wrote, “Ron, this “stud’s” for you!”
One feature in the floor plan was a recessed arch. Ron, an excellent woodworker, constructed an oak framed window around the arch and installed glass shelves to house my small but meaningful collection of Precious Moments.
Nowadays, I enjoy browsing home decorating sites. Many articles place Precious Moments on a list of things to remove from your home ASAP!! Like most popular trends, those once beloved porcelain figurines with their little cherub faces and teardrop-shaped eyes, are no longer trendy. Yet, mine remain!
I read recently that Sam Butcher, creator of Precious Moments, died at age 85. The biographical article was fascinating and related several stories concerning the meteoric popularity of the figurines.
I too have a favorite Precious Moments story.
My daughter was eight years old, and she knew how much I loved the recently released collectables. When her daddy took her Christmas shopping to pick out my gift, Angie insisted on a figurine entitled “His Eye is on the Sparrow.”
Time finally arrived to open our Christmas presents, and my daughter excitedly insisted I go first. My reaction didn’t disappoint, “Oh, Honey,” I exclaimed with tear-filled eyes, “This is SOOO PRECIOUS!!”
Not every moment has been easy since that Christmas when Angie was 8 years old. More than once, I have stood before the curio cabinet, gazing prayerfully upon the porcelain figurine. I remind God [as if God needs reminding] my “precious” daughter is much more important than a little brown sparrow, and I believe she needs attention which can only come from a divine source. It never fails. I am comforted, knowing she is “worth more than many sparrows” to our Heavenly Father.
And, so, for as long as we’re in our home, I imagine those Precious Moments will stay put, right where they’ve been for over 30 years!
Note: Tomorrow is Angie’s birthday. Thank you, Ang, for the many “precious moments” you have brought your mom! In a few months, my daughter will experience a very “precious moment” when she becomes a grandmother for the first time. This soon-to-be great grandma couldn’t feel more excited!
Angie and her family at Sydney’s wedding in October 2023
Lord, my prayer today comes from Psalm 139:
I praise you because I, my children, and generations of grandchildren are fearfully and wonderfully made by you, and
your works are wonderful,
all our days were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
Thank you, God, for giving me the gift of many precious moments!
Reflection Question(s):
What are some of the precious moments in your life? How would you like to express thanks to God for them?
Blessings on your meditations this Monday!