Monday Morning Meditation Wind 06/10/2024


And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.  

Acts 2:2 (ESV)


The past few weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about wind, probably my least favorite weather element. Seems as if we’ve had a windier than usual springtime. Then, leading up to Pentecost Sunday, my husband and I did a daily devotional which focused on a variety of metaphors used in scripture to describe God’s Spirit. The one which captivated my imagination most was the metaphor of wind.

The Acts account of the arrival of the Holy Spirit birthed what would become known as the Christian Church. Christianity is the faith tradition focusing on the figure, teachings, and redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who is an integral part of the Trinity and who walked and taught on earth as fully man and fully God.

Prior to his ascension back to heaven, Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to assist, empower, and lead his followers. The Spirit’s arrival on Pentecost Sunday was dramatic, initiated from heaven as the sound of a “mighty rushing wind.”

Following one of our devotionals, a question came to mind. Do I try to avoid the “wind of the Spirit” even as I do windy weather conditions? If I’m honest, I must say yes, oftentimes I do.

Wind messes up what I imagine I can control. Like my hair in this photo Ron took on a windy day during our recent getaway to South Carolina.

After introducing some contemplative practices at a retreat last fall, a woman approached me and said, “I think it would be good for me to meet with a spiritual director like you.” I assured her I’d love to talk more, and then she said, “I’m not going to do it, though, because I’m afraid God will ask me to change, and I don’t like change! I have tried so hard to bring my life under control.”

I loved this woman’s honesty and agreed that when we become serious about soul growth, the Spirit will assuredly shake up our carefully crafted God-orientation and guide us into areas requiring relinquishment and renovation.

Photos Ron took during a couple different photo excursions illustrate the power of wind. I was struck by the varying perspective wind brings. In the first photo, the Arrowleaf Balsamroot, beautiful wildflowers that grow plentifully in our region during the springtime, are thrown off-kilter, buffeted by 40 mph wind. The next shot shows the wildflowers with heads held high basking in the beauty of warm sunshine.

So, it is with spiritual growth. Initially, we may feel confused, perhaps even condemned, or right down weary. The “rushing wind of the Spirit” can seem disorienting.

Ahhh, but then, the wind dies down, and the sunshine of God’s divine love shines brightly. It’s good. I realize this is what my soul has longed for.

God’s love shines through the colors of my countenance, making them appear bright and alive. God’s love lifts my weary shoulders, raises my discouraged head.



You know sometimes I feel confused, condemned, and weary.

Thank you for bringing me through seasons when winds of fear, failure, and grief cause my soul to feel disoriented.

Jesus, help me! Spirit, show me the way!


Reflection Question(s):

Are the winds of life buffeting you right now or how have they done so in the past?

How might [or has] the sunshine of God’s love bring [brought] life and strength into your situation?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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