My Ode to October 2023

November arrived yesterday. While I look forward to this month of Thanksgiving, I must admit I didn’t like saying good-bye to October, which I believe has become my favorite month of the year.

            October 2023 was idyllic! On the 1st, Ron and I loaded up our car and headed to Boise, Idaho, to spend three wonderful days with Ron’s sister, Norma, and her husband, Dave. Time spent with these longtime friends is filled with delicious food, deep conversations, a bit of shopping, and long walks.

From Boise, we drove to Reno, Nevada, for a big family event. Our firstborn granddaughter, Sydney, was about to marry Bryan, the love of her life. Being present at Sydney’s birth many years ago was a “full circle” experience for me, and after attending her beautiful wedding, I can say it too was another “full circle” happening. The circle of family love keeps expanding!

            The wedding was elegant but filled with an overflow of love and joy! Almost a month later, I continue to process a delightful bouquet of emotions!

            Oh, how I love my “peeps!” Before the ceremony, I waited with Ron, the man with whom I’m blessed to venture into old age. Our two grandsons—Jackson, a fine young man who’s living his dream, and Reeve, a rambunctious second grader with missing front teeth—introduced me to the strange but delightful world of boys.

            Angie and Jon, loving mother and father of the bride, have diligently and sacrificially parented their three children into adulthood. We are so very proud of them

The wedding ceremony was filled with good-natured teasing and obvious deep friendship. Much laughter, as well as a few tears, were evident as Syd and Bryan exchanged personally written vows. Following a solemn ring exchange, their first kiss as Mr. & Mrs. was joyous. 

The reception was an opportunity to relax. Suit jackets came off. Dressy shoes were exchanged for footwear more suitable to dancing. Delicious appetizers, drinks, and a full-course dinner filled empty tummies. Granny posed with the bride and maid of honor, our beautiful second granddaughter, Mackenzie.

            Ron and I shared a table at the reception with our daughter, Sarah, her husband Brandon and their kiddos, Emmi, and Reeve. Like Angie and Jonny, Sarah and Brandon are wonderful parents, and although I didn’t ask, I wonder if Brandon was thinking about ways to start saving up for his daughter’s one-day wedding because as Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof sang,

Sunrise, sunset

Sunrise, sunset

Swiftly fly the years

A few posts back, I introduced a word my niece in Germany taught me – “blissing.” While going through the 3,000 photos he took, Ron said, “Sue, you’re going to love this one. Sydney is definitely “blissing.” I agreed!

            It warmed this grandmother’s heart good to see the expression of pure happiness on the face of a child she has loved for so many years!

Blessings on your journey, dearest granddaughter, as well as on yours, valued readers!ope these few thoughts may encourage you to consider the significance of “small” things in your day-to-day activities, 



Focus on Thanksgiving


Remember “Small Things” Matter!