Perhaps It’s Not About Me

This is the Scripture verse I believe God wants me to meditate on during 2023. Its counsel is pertinent to today’s post.

I was in a women’s small group discussion a while back. One participant, whom I will call Allison, places a high priority on self-care. Allison expressed concern about this priority based on a comment made by another woman who said she felt intimidated by Allison’s appearance. Later in the group discussion, one wise woman, whom I will call Margaret, reminded Allison the other woman’s comment was probably less about Allison than it was about her.

     A couple days later, I met with a Spiritual Direction client whom I will call Barbara. Barbara has made enormous progress in soul growth during the years we’ve been meeting. Today, however, she arrived at our session with a battered heart because of an unkind interaction with a beloved family member. After we unpacked her painful encounter and prayed together, I recalled Margaret’s counsel and reminded Barbara her family member’s attack was probably not so much about her but more about what was going on with him. She acknowledged that thought occurred to her already, but she was finding it difficult to get beyond her own woundedness.

     I understood! My initial go to reaction is to make encounters like Allison’s and Barbara’s all about ME! Initial thoughts often run from:

How unfair! to questioning,

What am I doing wrong? or wondering,

How can I make you understand?

For many years, my deepest desire has been to be a woman who trusts God, exemplifies Jesus, and listens to the Spirit. The further I travel in my journey, the more I realize how far short I fall of these aspirations. And nothing throws the proverbial “wrench” into my soul’s well-being more than when another’s anger, harsh criticism, or misunderstanding is directed at me.

So, what can we do when another person throws a ball of hurtful words, unrestrained anger, unwelcomed criticism, or their own negative energy at us?

I dislike spiritual “formulas” and behavioral absolutes because I cherish the unique design of every individual who participates in the Divine Adventure of Faith. Having said that, I believe the Spirit may have implanted some useful ideas into my heart I want to pass along.

Please join me on Thursday, January 26th, as I share three insights, which I pray will be healthy and life-giving.

Blessings on Your Journey,


Moving Beyond “It’s About Me”


When My Soul Longs for Stillness …