Reconstruct with Love

Christians in different faith traditions have begun the process of what is often called “faith deconstruction.” As a result of their dismantling process, some denied their faith. Others still believe in the message of Christianity, but disillusioned, they are no longer involved in a local church or faith community.

     Over the years, I have questioned, even discarded, certain beliefs and practices once embraced. I prefer to think of this process not as “deconstruction,” but rather “reconstruction.” The essentials of my faith have stood the test of time!

     While disappointed by the conduct of some, I have never stopped loving fellow Christians and my community of faith. For years, my beliefs were strengthened and enriched by not only authentic believers in my local church, but also others whose Christian traditions differ somewhat from mine.

     I’m convinced communities of faith are essential. I like what John Mark Comer, author of the excellent book, Live No Lies, says, “Church must become a thick web of interdependent relationships between resilient disciples of Jesus deeply loyal to the Way.”

     So, how do we “reconstruct” rather than “deconstruct” our faith? Perhaps the answer lies in words Jesus spoke to his friends shortly before his crucifixion: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34).

I choose to “reconstruct” with love! How about you?

Blessings on your journey!


Labor Day Prayer


God of Living Waters Blessing