Two Prepositions Bring Fresh Perspective on Freedom

May the God of Freedom be with you,

liberating you from that which prevents true growth. 

May your freedom bring spontaneity, creativity, and hope

into a wounded world …

-       Maxine Shonk, OP

(7/4/23  Daily Blessing – Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids)

I hope you enjoyed July 4th celebrations. We had a great time with friends and family who live locally as well as others visiting from California and Florida.

The 4th of July is a good time to ponder freedom. 

In today’s post, I share some thoughts about freedom raised while on our trip abroad this spring as well as during a recent sermon a young pastor from our home church in Coeur d’Alene delivered.

The Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-Strasbourg stands resplendent at the heart of Strasbourg, in the Alsace region of France. This lovely city was occupied by Nazi troops during World War II.

A simple memorial in a section of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame commemorates American soldiers who liberated Alsace in 1945. Coming upon this memorial was a surprisingly moving experience to me, underscoring the undeniable value of freedom.

For the past couple years, I have considered often and deeply the first sentence of a Scripture found in Galatians 5:1. Paul reminded his friends, ”It is for freedom that Christ has set us free …” (NIV) This verse took on added meaning following a recent sermon when Pastor Andrew reminded congregants the freedom Christ secured for us was not only freedom FROM but also freedom FOR.

Two little prepositions. Significance difference.

I am so grateful for freedom FROM tyranny, dictatorship, and disasters, as well as freedom FROM poverty, illness, impending dangers, fears, harmful habits, and a list that goes on and on.

Freedom FROM provides a wider space to focus on “listening” with a less cluttered spirit to the “still, small voice” of the Spirit. When my soul feels safe, I am less preoccupied and more willing to partner with the Holy Spirit. Then, as I continue to say, “Yes, Lord,” freedom FOR produces behaviors based on attributes of humility, grace, mercy, compassion, justice, and generosity. Rather than focusing merely on how God can ensure and enhance my personal freedom, my soul prospers in a way that impacts the world in which God has placed me—the world of family, friends, neighbors, community, workplace, nation, and even the world.

Pastor Andrew suggested praying FOR the Fruit of God’s Spirit, which is Love, manifested by Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.

That, I believe, was a very good suggestion!


Father God, thank you for allowing me to live during a time and in a nation where freedom is honored and enjoyed.

Jesus, thank you for your willingness to step into the human condition and secure true soul freedom from all that entangles and messes up our weary world.

Holy Spirit, thank you for always being available to show us how to use freedom for all God wants to do in and through us.


Blessings to each of us as we continue to pursue freedom,


“Small Things” Exist Because of God’s Love


Freedom - Let Freedom Ring