What Nurtures Your Soul?
Nurture = tend to or encourage the growth of
A question I usually ask each of my spiritual direction “soul friends” the first time we meet is, “Tell me, what nurtures your soul?”
While in Boise, visiting with my sister-in-law, I told her this, and Norma asked me, “What nurtures YOUR soul, Sue?” No one had ever asked me that question, and in the days following our conversation, I pondered it and realized it is a very good thing to consider! Here are some of the things I realized in those following days:
Life-giving, deep conversations—especially when good coffee is included—nurtures my soul.
Walks in nature are soul nurturing. These photos from our October getaway to Boise and Reno showcase nature at it’s very finest!
Pondering God’s character nurtures my soul. Some characteristics of God, such as grace, mercy, goodness, unconditional love, compassion, and faithfulness I grasp readily. Even though I believe in them equally, I admit to grappling a bit more with other aspects such as righteousness, judgment, justice, and even God’s anger. Perhaps above all, I enjoy meditating on the mystery of walking out the life of faith in the power and company of the Holy Trinity!
Being with family always nurtures my soul such as the few hours we spent with our younger daughter, Sarah, and her family on a blustery afternoon at Lake Tahoe a couple days after our granddaughter’s wedding.
Writing this blog twice each week and sharing a journey of faith with you nurtures my soul’s growth and wellbeing.
Now, in conclusion, I would love to hear from you: What nurtures YOUR soul?
Blessings for a soul-nurturing journey,
Blessings on your journey,