What Nurtures Your Soul?

Nurture =  tend to or encourage the growth of

            A question I usually ask each of my spiritual direction “soul friends” the first time we meet is, “Tell me, what nurtures your soul?”

            While in Boise, visiting with my sister-in-law, I told her this, and Norma asked me, “What nurtures YOUR soul, Sue?” No one had ever asked me that question, and in the days following our conversation, I pondered it and realized it is a very good thing to consider! Here are some of the things I realized in those following days: 

  • Life-giving, deep conversations—especially when good coffee is included—nurtures my soul.

  • Walks in nature are soul nurturing. These photos from our October getaway to Boise and Reno showcase nature at it’s very finest!

  • Pondering God’s character nurtures my soul. Some characteristics of God, such as grace, mercy, goodness, unconditional love, compassion, and faithfulness I grasp readily. Even though I believe in them equally, I admit to grappling a bit more with other aspects such as righteousness, judgment, justice, and even God’s anger. Perhaps above all, I enjoy meditating on the mystery of walking out the life of faith in the power and company of the Holy Trinity!

  • Being with family always nurtures my soul such as the few hours we spent with our younger daughter, Sarah, and her family on a blustery afternoon at Lake Tahoe a couple days after our granddaughter’s wedding.

  • Writing this blog twice each week and sharing a journey of faith with you nurtures my soul’s growth and wellbeing.

Now, in conclusion, I would love to hear from you: What nurtures YOUR soul?  

Blessings for a soul-nurturing journey,

Blessings on your journey,



Loving One Another


Focus on Thanksgiving